The above picture is supposed to be the last picture, but you know, it's not a hill to die on...and sometimes you've just got to call it and say to the computer...." You Win"....so enjoy it first!
This first photo was taken as we were about to step on the plane in Atlanta. It's always SO much more exciting going than coming home!
Here are a few photos as we were getting into New York from the airport. We stayed at Park Central Hotel on 56th and 7th. It was the perfect location.
We met Brent and his "boys" at Markt. We stayed there for a while, then moved on to the Flat Iron. Afterall, it was Ashley's birthday so we couldn't just go to the room for the night. There was a little celebrating to be done!
This is Brent, also affectionately known as BLovely. (Was in our movie, DISMAL, but more importantly has become one of my greatest friends and a very important part of my life!) So happy to see this face!
Love this picture, AB!
This is Topher, a friend of Brent and Will's, who was the bartender at Markt. Just a picture of us girls after we moved on to Flat Iron.
~ M O N D A Y ~
On Monday, we decided that we would take the Downtown Tour on a double decker bus. It was about 70 degrees and the most perfect day you could ask for. The tour lasted about 3 hours and then we hopped off to do a little shopping at Macy's. The next several pictures are just some of the sights along the tour.
Me and Heather taking in the tour.
Monday night, we took a night time carriage ride through Central Park and then walked down to Times Square to get dinner. We found some Famous New York Cheesecake which was on our list of things to accomplish.
Carnegie Hall at Night. Our hotel was actually right across the street from Carnegie Hall.
Heather and Ashley showing off our Cheesecake and Desserts. We always had to get different desserts so we could try a little of all of them. I had regular Cheesecake, Heather ordered the Carrot Cake Cheese Cake and Ash had the Apple Pie and Ice Cream....all delicious.
~ T U E S D A Y ~
Now let me give you a little background on this picture. Will is Brent's business partner in Break Big Entertainment, was also in DISMAL, and is also one of my greatest friends. His mom found out via Facebook that I was planning a trip to New York and wanted to surprise him and show up in New York when we did. Will and Rebecca, his fiancee', got engaged the week before in California at Disneyland and she wanted to surprise them when they got home. Cindi and I talked back and forth for a week or so and long story short, got it worked out to where she would walk into where we were having lunch. This picture was the moment she surprised him. Of course, he was shocked, we all cried, and I can't believe we pulled it off!
After lunch and the surprise, we all split up and Cindi, Erin(Will's step sister, who also came) and I went to Will and Brent's apartment and Heather and Ashley went to do a little shopping for gifts to take back home. The pictures below are of their visit to FAO Schwarz, which is ALWAYS a must!
On Tuesday night, we went to see Jersey Boys. Of the 8 that went, I was the only one that had already seen it, however, it was SO WONDERFUL that I wanted to see it again. If you have the opportunity to go and see it (it's in Atlanta right now), I PROMISE you will not be disappointed. I could watch it every night!
After the show, L to R: Brent, Heather, Ashley, Rebecca, Will, Me, Cindi and Erin. After Jersey Boys, we all went to Faces and Names to meet some more friends.
Now, let me introduce you to another one of my favorite people. Gary King directed our movie, DISMAL. The first thing I noticed about Gary when we were on set each day was that smile of his. Day in and day out, good or bad day, no matter how hot or how many gnats, he always had that sweet smile on his face. Gary we all think you're so awesome and the trip wouldn't have been the same without getting to see you! Thanks for meeting us and staying out such crazy hours! It was a great night!
The picture above right is Will, Rebecca and Will and Brent's partner, Emily. God Bless you Emily for having to keep those two in line :-) The picture below is Rebecca's sister & brother in law, and of course Cindi, Will's mom and Erin.
Me and Will Just a few pictures of the neat art work that was in Faces and Names.
After Faces and Names we moved on to a little place down the street called Cassidy's. This is Me, Brent and Ash at Cassidy's.
Will and Rebecca
The best night with the best of friends. Love you guys! (Gary, Me and Brent)
Becca and her sister, Leah, having too much fun....
Will and Becca...
~ W E D N E S D A Y ~
Another of our "must haves" in New York was PIZZA. We met Will, Rebecca, Cindi, Erin and Will's friend, Scotty, for Pizza in the Park. The pizza slices were HUGE! We did the best we could at eating it all, and then went for a little walk in the park.
Will and Scotty
Of course, I would LOVE the dog walkers. I can just imagine trying to walk our 11 all together at one time. They would have torn down the dang fence and everything in that park in 2.2 seconds!
The Famous Magnolia Bakery (Sex and the City) After a visit down to Canal Street, we stopped of at the Magnolia Bakery. Of course, once again, we bought a "buffet" of desserts to try. The Key Lime Cheesecake was INCREDIBLE, and my favorite, but we didn't really find one that was bad ;-)
Ashley and I taking the first bites and enjoying every calorie....
Another "before we leave" on our list, was to eat at a famous restaurant. Heather and Ashley, being the food snobs that they are ;-), are ALL about the Food Channel and Bobby Flay. So....we got a reservation at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill. The food was DIVINE! Luckily it worked out that Gary and his precious wife Susie could meet us for dinner as well which made the dinner even better. It also gave us just a little more time to visit before the time of the dreaded goodbyes...
After we left Mesa Grill, Heather, Ash and I went on to meet Will, Brent and Rebecca at one of their favorite places, Brother Jimmy's. Brother Jimmy's specializes in Southern Food and the decor is Southern, and more importantly, Southern Sports Teams. What better to be surrounded by than memorabilia,etc. from the South. When we sat down, there was "Tar Heels" painted on the wall beside us, and a Clemson banner hanging over our head, so our boys were more than happy.
The traditional "last night" photos. :-( This was the last night of our trip. We were scheduled to fly out at 1:55 on Thursday, so we were leaving for the airport mid morning the next morning.
Brent, the trip wouldn't have been the same without you there. Thank you x 12 :-) for changing your schedule around. You promised you would make it work and you did! I appreciate you and love you, but you know that already!
Will, I love you too and congratulations to you and Rebecca. I'm so glad it worked out that we got to see you too and got to help pull of the "mom" surprise! I will never forget the look on your face when she walked in! Gary and Susie, you guys are amazing! I simply couldn't ask for better friends! Emily, you are so precious and thanks for "saving" my phone. To all the new friends we met, you made the trip even better. Heather and Ash - I'm ready to go again! We couldn't have had a better time if we had tried! Even though we're all spread out, from North to South, I am a lucky girl to have the most amazing friends!