The last few days of each year, you always see every TV show or news outlet give
their "year in review" or "highlights". 2009 has so been so incredibly fun, (just
seems like some years are more fun than others) I couldn't let it pass without
remembering a few special moments. The explanations will be brief since there
are blogs for each individual event below. To those of you who were with me,
just look how much fun we had.... Here's to topping it in 2010!
Dismal Premiere - January 2009 - Wilimington, NC
Fundraiser for Gary King's Movie "New York Lately" and
a trip for the Mamas...
Times Square...what a way to start off 2009!
At Gary's fundraiser, some of my favorite people:
L to R: Em, Bec, Kellen, Brad, Will, Susie, Gary, Me & Brent

us to New York and nearly walked them to death, but had a great time!
A carriage ride in Central Park...
Lunch with the whole crew at Saigon Grill... awesome food
and even better company!
An Engagement Party for Paige & Jonathan
February 21st - at our house...
2009 also brought on some MAJOR wedding planning...but first,
a fun engagement party for all their family and friends.
Paige Watson & Jonathan Harris

The Theatrical Premiere of Lena Baker - Atlanta, Ga.
My cousins, Ryan & Jessica, met us there for the premiere..
Me, Andrea, Barton & Brad
Grandmama's 94th Birthday - March 18th
Me, mama, daddy, Grandmama, Merideth (mama's bro) & his wife Becky

and even better company!
February 21st - at our house...
2009 also brought on some MAJOR wedding planning...but first,
a fun engagement party for all their family and friends.
March 2009 - Movies ATL
Ralph, Barton & the actors and actresses at the Q&A afterwards...

Peanut Proud - April 2009 - Court Square in Blakely
2009 also brought a bit of an unfortunate situation to Blakely in the
form of Salmonella....but as Blakely does, we came together, during
a weekend in April, to show we are still, and will always be, "Peanut Proud"!
with us in Blakely.... Dinner with the family..
time of our lives....the beginning of 121212 :-)
Early Co. Bobcats - Spring Game 2009
TROUBLE!! "Would You Rather...."
Justin & Lauren's Wedding
What great friends movies have brought us...
After the wedding at Elixir...Good times!
group of students and coaches. Helping to make a difference
is worth EVERY minute of the work!
Wilmington, North Carolina
Justin produced two of the movies we made in Blakely. Such a great
Justin produced two of the movies we made in Blakely. Such a great
weekend in Wilmington celebrating with he and Lauren at their wedding.
TROUBLE!! "Would You Rather...."
Quite possibly the best trip ever!
Ashley, Me & Heather about to board the plane in Atlanta...
Ashley, Me & Heather about to board the plane in Atlanta...
clue that we all have a secret and his mom is about to walk in...
all the way from North Carolina! Surprise!
than the one in January!
Pics a little out of order, but Will's mom arrives...
and a MUST SEE if you're in New York!
times or better friends....
Will, Me & Brent at Brother Jimmy's
Watson-Harris Wedding - June 27, 2009
Paige & Jonathan's Wedding

Paige & Jonathan's Wedding
work for a beautiful day! Did I say LOTS of work? Definitely!
way to the wedding...
A little New York reunion in Blakely....
above, many more pictures in previous posts)
Grand Opening - June 29th
...and yes Ron & Ryan, it was a REALLY big deal!
The Ribbon Cutting
...and yes Ron & Ryan, it was a REALLY big deal!

Kyma & Whiskey Blue - Atlanta, Ga.
for all of us, especially Barton.
A Princess Party at the Hall Castle of the Pond...
August 2009 - Standifer Field - Blakely, Georgia
UGA vs South Carolina - Athens, Ga. - Sept 12th
All I can say to explain this is ... you never turn down a ticket
Greeting fans at the Fearmakers table...
Camp Hicita - Kolomoki Mounds - Blakely
The Hottest Place in the World!!!
as they do at practice. However, it's Bobcat tradition and
we wouldn't be anywhere else than cooking in that kitchen!
Early Co. Bobcat Football - Obviously, I had hundreds
of fun highlights in football, but those have their own
Facebook page. Are you a fan? You should be! Just
search for Early Co. Bobcat Football on Facebook!
All I can say to explain this is ... you never turn down a ticket
for an SEC game. Me, Brad, Ross & Kellen had a great time!
A fundraiser for the Bobcat Football Club, the flamingos provided
a good topic of conversation every couple of mornings when they
showed up in the next "victim's" yard...They had to PAY for removal...
September 2009
The premiere of "SAVAGE" took us back to Baltimore for the
The premiere of "SAVAGE" took us back to Baltimore for the
Horrorfind Convention where it premiered.
world of horror and horror fans....Their first lesson, taught
by Justin...dangerous. :-)
make it!! So EASY with this crowd.... Good Game!
Me & Brad
Gary, Will & Em...
Can you be in Baltimore, so close to NYC, and not go? I think NOT!!
Caitlin's 1st trip and Kathryn's 1st that she is old enough to remember...
birthday, so a party was in order! Party we DID! One of
the best nights of 2009!
In Times Square people watching, before leaving for the airport..
Christmas 2009 - Fun with Family
Athens, Georgia
"Tailgating" at Barton & Andrea's condo...
Ryan's birthday, too...Nicholas helps Ryan blow out the candles....
had tickets too so I finally got to meet them and they got to hang out
with us at the condo for a while...
Me & The Lovells
enough to wear orange.... Not real sure I'm over that
"pulling for Georgia" thing...

Of course there was Thanksgiving & lots of Christmas programs,
decorations & fun...but you can see that in previous posts. There
were lots of comings and goings, and I think we had "Christmas Dinner"
about 3 times, but every minute was a blessing.
The Colemans/Akers/Jarretts Family
We took this crowd in Dream Big to
dinner at Ms.Boomers - Dothan, AL.
For those of you close by....Best burgers EVER!
So awesome to be surrounded by ALL AUBURN!
Tim, Me, Wesley & Ryan.... All here to go hunting. Wesley
got a deer the next day. Sorry Wes, I forgot to put that pic in..
countless GREAT opporunities! I have met some of my greatest
friends through a world I never expected, called the movie business.
I have learned that there is no such thing as strangers, just friends
we haven't met! Because of the time spent with them and
the wonderful friends and family I've known all my life, 2009
has been so full of BLESSINGS and FUN!!
Each year I think we all get better, but I know we all have
room for improvement! I'm looking forward to 2010... to the FUN,
each of you! Thanks for the wonderful memories of 2009 and
may God bless us all and guide our paths in 2010!