No Sightseeing - Just Friends...
Yes, I made ANOTHER trip to New York City. This time, just me,
no sightseeing...Just time with friends.
And sometimes friends show up with the same ideas...
And sometimes before all the fun can begin, you have tohide your face and get a power nap...especially when you don't
start the fun until 11:30 or so...
Me & Brent waiting for the train, headed to Abe & Arthurs, which is where Will works, to start the fun (& somebody
is a little pouty about the cold weather).
Dinner and visiting with friends, at Will & Becca's apartment.Me, Brent, Gary & Susie...
Of course no trip is complete without a visit to Brother Jimmy's.We interrupt this visit for UNC & Clemson basketball.
Immediately after this picture, the 3 of us walking down the street: Will: "Excuse me sir, we love this girl"
Brent: "yes, we love this girl, don't know yet how much she's
gonna cost us, but we love her"
Hanging out at Will's apartment with the boys and Ramselinabefore time to leave....Ramsey asleep on my coat.
Oficially the fewest pictures I have ever taken in NYC, or any tripfor that matter. Guess I was just too busy enjoying being with my friends.