So...this post is a little out of order, it should have been before the last one, but
I just realized that I didn't post pictures from Santa Fe...what an AMAZING trip!
neat little place called Jezebel's. A little art gallery/bakery/soda fountain shop.
makings of a story...but no worries, he had cell phone service so all
was right with the world!
their poles...Right up my decorative alley, nobody else would care.
Burro Alley....or in mine, Brad & Caitlin's world, "it's Dominique the dUnkey" :-)
were married, 10 years ago.
sign of support. See history of the Loretto Chapel here:

Barton and Andrea
Brad, Andrea, Barton and Me at the Chapel

We also had dinner at the restaurant named Ristra....FABULOUS!
Check it out here: