Sunday Night, May 17th, was the end of the year programs for the Children's Choirs at First Baptist Church. The Little Notes sang several songs and then the older choir presented, "Fat, Fat Jehoshaphat". They all did an amazing job.

Kamryn Carver
Now sometimes when the CD won't work right and the kids are waiting on the right song, there has to be a little comic relief..... Cullen Houston handled it perfectly!

Jackson Allred and Ashley Phillips

Karsyn Carver, Alex Warr, Davia Allen, Andrew Smith & Caleb Williams

Savannah Hall, Victoria Nolen, Jackson Allred and Ashley Phillips, and below, Alex Warr

Katie Lyn Carver, Addie Phillips, Shanna Suggs & Courney Grace DeVane

Ethan Still, as Fat Fat Jehoshaphat....

Savannah Hall singing her solo....

Morgan Slappey

After a little fasting, Fat Fat Jehoshaphat turned into FLAT FLAT Jehoshaphat!
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