So I know that Easter has long since passed, but my blog was not up and running at the time and these pictures were just too cute to pass by. This was the First Baptist Easter Egg Hunt at Jim and Lynn Carver's house. Since I work in the nursery every Sunday, and the nursery workers provide the food, it was my job to make the cupcakes. Everyone made fun of the fact that I made cupcakes, from scratch, when the kids would have been just as happy with cake mix out of the box and icing out of the can. Can't help it, had to be homemade poundcake cupcakes and cream cheese's how I roll. :-)
I knew Sullivan would need to take dyed eggs, so I bought the 'ol faithful PAAS kit and did something I don't think I've done in probably 20 years or more, I dyed Easter Eggs! For those of you who are out of town friends and family and don't know Sullivan, she is the 2 year daughter of some of my best friends, Bob & Kim Hall. She has pretty much been my shadow since the day she was born, and is the reason that I am the proud owner of the name "Supernanny", courtesy of her dad.

Relay games before the Easter Egg Hunt (or while the adults hid all the eggs)...
The youngest of the 4 Carver Girls.....Kamryn.
These are the kind of pictures that make you feel a little old. Here sits Kendyl Carver, who I started "babysitting/raising" (and soon followed suit with 3 more Carvers) when they moved to town, and she was 2. She is holding Sullivan, who is my current shadow, at the age of 2. Wow...just wow.

Sullivan discovered that the eggs weren't empty....they had CHOCOLATE!!!
"Miss" Mary reading the Easter Story. As she read the story, she of course asked a few questions like, "Why did they lay palm branches down as Jesus rode into town on his donkey?" Kamryn Carver answered, "So Jesus' donkey wouldn't get his feet dirty". Plain and simple...from the mouths of babes.

Sullivan on the way out to hunt for eggs....And yes, I splurged on the outfit, the shoes, the basket, etc... and yes, would do it again! I mean look at this picture! Love this angel face!
Time for some groceries....the Houstons picking out a cupcake....SUGAR RUSH!
Collier Harper getting some Easter cake.....
Caroline Harper & Kayte Clinkscales taking a break from all the activity...
What a sweet face, Kamryn, with her cheese puff smile....
Katie Lyn Carver and Sullivan enjoying their Easter Snacks...
The icing is ALWAYS better on your nose, especially when it matches the outfit!
Ava Sullivan Hall. This girl brings new meaning to "Miss Priss"!
Katie Lyn and Sullivan ending up the Egg Hunt with a little time on the trampoline.
So Happy Easter, a few months late, but as I said....better late than never!
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