Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Loving Fall....

Without question, Fall is my favorite time of year! There are several obvious reasons, such as FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL & FOOTBALL....but there are a few others like cooler weather
(although it's running late), fall flowers showing up on our flower trucks, peanuts & cotton, pumpkins & scarecrows, Halloween cookies, and re-claiming my yard and flowerbeds after a
summer filled with days too hot for yard work! These pictures are a few random
pictures of the fall things that I love....
Flowers for a 2055 Event
I love the red sunflowers, yarrow & ornamental pumpkins that
we only see in October and November...
The table arrangements in pumpkins..
A few scarecrows and buzzards to add a flair of fall to
the presentation screen...
Grapevine wreath napkin rings....every detail covered
and the tables are set and ready to go...
I'm always SO stoked about the first fall Saturday that there is a
breeze blowing and it's cool enough that you WANT to stay outside.
There were snaps and pansies to plant, straw to fluff and an edge
to reclaim.....with a little help from my four legged friends.
Nothing makes me happier than neat flowers beds
with a clean edge and full of straw....I need help, I know.
Another sign of fall....mums! They don't last long, but
are a sure sign that fall has arrived!
A welcome from our scarecrow....
Now these are my helpers.... We have 11 total, but the other 9 live
in the lovely little dog village in the trees....So while these 2 were helping
we also had a session on where they can and cannot lay in the flowerbeds. For example
sleep under the big bushes, but NOT on top of the newly planted snapdragons!
Another blessing of the cool weather is that you are comfortable and not
sweating while you attempt to work on teaching these sweet girls how to
be a little more photogenic! Whoa, whoa...wait...stay back there...don't lick the camera...
Dixie above and Trixie below... have to pick your thankful
they are sitting still, together...Keeping your tongue
in your mouth is the next lesson....
HALLOWEEN COOKIES!!! They do seem to take forever, but it's like get to make all different faces & designs on every cookie...
Take my word for coloring for icing stains EVERYTHING!
Ta-Daa!!! No two are alike! And notice the Clemson pumpkin at the
bottom of the picture, Brent.... I'm assuming it would be simply un-American
to have purple and orange icing and not make a Clemson Cookie...
The only problem is...after you spend and entire day cooking, cooling, mixing
icing, and decorating... You really hate to eat them...
It's the Great Pumpkins, Charlie Brown...


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