As if the week wasn't sad enough, after Grandma passed away on Thursday
night, Saturday morning on the way to the Ag Producer Breakfast,
I found that our sweet Dixie had been run over :-(
I know "that which does not kill us makes us stronger", but
this was pushing it! In previous posts, I know it is beyond obvious that
we are dog lovers, so this was a sad day.

Just wanted to share a few of my favorite pictures of Dixie...

Dixie & Trixie, sisters, were dropped off at our barn as puppies,
and eventually found the way to the back door. They made
every move together, so Trixie misses her too.

Dixie helping with yard work, or "breaks" from yard work.

Giving Trixie some love yesterday afternoon. She's getting
a little spoiled from all the "hope she's not too sad" attention!
And yes, this is us, laying in her bed....

All of this happened during Peanut Proud weekend, and I
am so thankful some of my best friends were here with me!
They were such a blessing....and Peanut Proud pics coming next!
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