Well it seems that I keep saying I'm gonna do better, but I am ashamed to
say that it's been a year since I posted, but oh, what a year it's been!
My life has slowed down somewhat, so hopefully, I can give some
attention to this blog.....seriously? Who am I kidding? Here's a brief ride
through the year, it's been awesome, they keep getting better!

April 2011- Relay for Life with Joanna

What kind of year would it be without a little racing? Especially
when the National Champions were being recognized and
Gene Chizik was the Grand Marshal. How could I miss that?

We got www.earlychatter.com up and going. A joint effort by the Chamber,
Impact Early Young Professionals & Early County 2055. It's a great place
for Blakely to stay informed. Have you checked it out?

The Ground Breaking of American International Marksmanship Academy.
A great day for Early County that brought jobs, an awesome new industry
and great new friends, the Masoners. We're lucky to have them!

The Masoners with Governor Deal

My new favorite little guy, Garrett Masoner.

Then it was Peanut Proud time again. The day we look forward to all
year as a community. Once again, an amazing day and night with some
of my best friends who love it as good as I do....

The Impact Early float with kids of all our Young Professionals

Just the luckiest girl there to have this crew with me..

Along with this sweet thing...

Kinda makes you feel old to dance the night away with the first child
you were a babysitter for (although I was only 9)... especially now that he's
a lawyer in DC.

"Miss Proud" dancing the night away....well deserved.

May 2011 may have been the highlight of the year. On April 27, devastation
struck Phil Campbell and Hackleburg, Alabama. Living through tornadoes years
ago in the next county over, one of our coaches Jon Randolph, called and
said "will you help me plan a trip to take some of our football players if
we can get it approved?" They approved it, the community stepped up, we
packed and left. I have never ever been so proud of a group of kids, and
especially 2 coaches who went to show them that there are bigger things in
life than spring practice and just what happens on that football field. Again,
so proud to be a part of a fine athletic organization.

Devotion time with some students from Phil Campbell High School,
who were also the Bobcats, hence where "Bobcats to Bobcats" came from.

Coach Randolph telling his story, which clearly still hurt to tell, but
meant so much to the kids we were with each day.

From one Bobcat coach to another...

The Wrangler Plant that was destroyed in Hackleburg...

Hard workers, great men.

Prayer with Phil Campbell elementary 4th graders...

It was a LONG time before we wanted to see hot dogs again...

Spoiled his brother, now him too...but so proud to have
LaDonis on this trip, as well as our other players who showed
true character and love to others....

The Crew....it was a sad trip, but also the best.

Jon's parents' church, Guin Methodist, fed us one night and had "thank
you" bags for all of us. The card on the outside summed up our days perfectly.

A few weeks later...back to NYC for Memorial Day...

This night in NYC would be in the running for the most fun
i've ever had in one night... :-)

Then skip on to a busy, busy fall. How much stuff can we cram into
fall? Clearly, it is the most important season...FOOTBALL!
The humble abode all decorated and ready to go...

Heaven knows life wouldn't go on if we didn't sweat 100 gallons
at football camp....Camp Hicita, Kolomoki Mounds. Guaranteed to
be 100 degrees, even if we were to go in the middle of January.

Thursday Devotions with the Bobcats...probably some of my
favorite times...

And then.....its GAME TIME!

There is just nothing I love better than being with these boys
and getting to know them and encourage them. Without a doubt,
its exactly where I'm supposed to be.

A trip to ATL for the Falcons vs Panthers game for
a little Cammy Cam sighting... War Panthers!

And there were several Auburn games....just puts
a smile on my face every time.

Then it was Bowl Time...the Chick Fil A Bowl in ATL.
Picked up a win, drove home, re-packed and climbed in Dream
Big to head to the Outback Bowl in Tampa...

....to see this special boy, who is the only reason I'd
be at a Georgia Bowl Game :-). So proud of our #36.

Because I didn't have anything else to do, I decided to paint one or
two of these pieces for me. What was for me, got spotted, and has now
turned into a business in which we ship all over the US. You just never
know what will be a hit, but thanks to our site on etsy.com,
we stay busy as we can be....

For the biggest change in the year, after much thought and prayer, I decided
to hang up my flower arranging days and move on to Saturdays off and
less pressure, to only name 1 or 2 reasons. After almost 14 years, it was time.
Four Seasons Flower & Gift was a blessing, but was wearing me out and I
was ready for new direction. It was a hard decision, especially with all
the kind words from customers, but I know it was the right thing to do.
Just a glimpse of what those days looked like...

Overall it's been an amazing year, and i've just hit the high spots, and I'm sure
i've left things out. But most of all, it's been the best of times with the
best of friends. So grateful for it all...

Promise it won't be a year again...coming soon, Peanut Proud 2012 and
funny stories of new friends and experiences with great old ones...Love to all.
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