Spirit Night at Standifer Field, formerly known as Tailgating on the Square, is always the week or so before the first regular season ballgame. This was the Thursday night before we headed down to Bainbridge for our season opener against the Bearcats. Spirit Night is an event that is sponsored by the Blakely Hometown Committee. Just a fun night for Blakely, and a chance for our athletes, of all ages, to be recognized. Go Bobcats, of all ages!
The Middle School Cheerleaders, hanging out waiting to be recognized...
Love this picture of Hill...
The Band of Blue taking the field...
C Team Little Bobcat Cheerleaders with a cheer for the crowd...
C Team Blue making their way across the field to be recognized...
C Team Gold doing the same...
Jackson Allred
Little Bobcat B Team Cheerleaders
The Little ones have stunts, too... 
My little sweetheart & assistant Football Camp Cook, Jarrett Heath.
The Little Bobcat A Team Cheerleaders...
A Team Blue
Early County Middle School Cheerleaders
A few little fans... Addison Brown, Micahlyn Grist, Ella Floyd & Mimi Sasser
But below, Nelson Hattaway & Eli Cushing
Beginning with...... Cross Country!
Then...ECHS Girls Softball, Varsity & Jr. Varsity
ECHS Girls Volleyball
ECHS Cheerleaders
That whole "linking arms" thing will get you everytime, maybe cause it's an Auburn thing, too!
Omar, Fernando, Marquis, and Twin, ha
Kajuane, more affectionately known as Scooter, Jamarcus, Kenneth & half of TJ
The other Twin, Ronald, Zack & Omar
Ric Hall & Billy Joe Jordan, the Voice of the Bobcats!
A few of the underclassmen & coaches
for the last 40 years, and Blakely Royalty in our hearts and minds. He has been the Coroner here in Blakely, well, forever, and is part owner of Manry Jordan Hodges Funeral Home. So, not only do I work with him in football, I work with him in "flowers", too. On top of that, I think there are several generations of us that would say that one of our favorite memories of the nursery at First Baptist Church was Mr. Billy Joe being in there with us!
This picture is all of our Seniors with Mr. Billy Joe....
want their picture with Mr. Billy Joe, too..
There was a little story here.... Jackson came over to me as I was taking pictures and said "Miss Julie, my Pop (Ric Hall) told me if I'd come over here and be nice and stand beside you, that I could get my picture made with Mr. Billy Joe"....
So, this is Jackson Allred with his cousin, Billy Joe...
This may be one of my all time favorites. For those of you who don't know these two...I've already introduced you to Mr. Billy Joe and this is Bob Hall, our current Offensive Coordinator for the Bobcats, once played as a Bobcat, a "2-Time All American" for Troy State (sorry Bob, couldn't resist) and if you know me & have seen this blog, then you know Sullivan and Savannah, and he's their daddy....whew, what an intro. Back to the picture, if you know Bob, this is just "him" and it just depicts how we all feel about Mr. Billy Joe....just love it!
Kelsey Hawkins and Zack Redding
and had lots of takers...Bobcats of all ages...
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