A Taste of Football.....
My 2nd Full Time Job :-)
I wish that I had time to upload all the football pictures from each week onto the blog, but there is only one of me, and as much as I hate to admit that I can't do it all....well, I can't. Time runneth out! These are a few pics mainly from the scrimmage game, but if you want to see each week's, then you need to check out the Early Co. Football Fan Page on Facebook. Not a fan already?
Shame on you! :-)

Coach Mo giving his words of wisdom...

Coach Randolph doing the same....

Quarterback TJ Allen warming up...

Ricardo trying out a few kicks...

A great coach and a great friend, Head Coach Trey Woolf

Warm ups...

Get pumped up boys...

Here Come the Bobcats....

The opening series....

Look how pretty that grass is... :-)

Run Quayven Run!!

Almost in for the score...

Ladonis Bryant on the run...

Coach Storey giving pointers to the offense...

Coach Woolf

Jordan Heath talking to Coach Hall up in the box...

Miss Sullivan Hall making her grand entrance to the ballgame..

Cousins Jackson Allred & Sullivan Hall

Me & Jennings... typical "Jenn-erator"

Me and Sullivan sending a pic to our far away friends...

This was actually taken at the Bainbridge game by Ron Drew...
Great pic of the cheerleaders...

Also at Bainbridge, by Ron Drew...
May be my favorite picture of the Bobcat...thanks for sharing Ron!
I will upload more crowd and fan shots of the ballgames later during the season. For play by play pictures of the
actual game, check out Facebook!
Loving Football Season!!! Go Cats!
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