Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Lone Auburn Fan..... GA/AUB 2009

Every other year, the time rolls around to load up and head to Athens
for one of the oldest college football rivalries in history. It always
seems to work out that I am the Lone Auburn Tiger in the bunch, but
i'd rather be the only TIGER any day than a DAWG ;-)!! Thankfully,
Brad had a couple of friends that showed up that were Auburn fans
so I wasn't totally alone. I was lucky enough to have two of my favorite
people there with me, from New York & Myrtle Beach, and even though
they tend to lean towards the dark side of red and black, they do love
me enough to wear their true colors, for Clemson, which provided
some much needed orange. All in all, it was a terrific weekend, even
though Auburn did manage to end up with fewer points...
It was a birthday weekend for Ryan. Since we celebrated Brent's
birthday in New York back in September, it was only fitting, since his
birthday was the following Tuesday, to celebrate his brother's birthday
too!! So this is Ryan's cake, in Georgia/Auburn colors, that I made
and we CAREFULLY hauled to Athens!

Traveling in from Atlanta, Blakely, and Myrtle Beach, we all arrived
safely at Barton & Andrea's condo late Friday night. After getting
unloaded, meeting up with more friends, and some late night fun we
were up Saturday morning and proud of the fact that we had time to
spare and were gonna spend the day with friends "tailgating".
The Clemson game was on, and we couldn't find it on TV, so
Nicholas was showing Brent, full of patience, where to find it online
with the help of JP, the punchy button boy. :-)

John Patrick and his lime tostidos...
Such an enjoyable day to hang out and visit with friends.
Thanks Garrett, for the awesome Low Country Boil!

Me, Nicholas Rice, Ryan & Brent Lovell,
Jason & Paige Dees stuffed from a late lunch
and relaxing a little before heading to the stadium..

Since Ryan fired me from candle placement on birthday cakes
in New York, I refused and made Brad and Brent handle candles.

Barton lighting the candles for Ryan...
Oh and all that orange....

Such a fun bunch and my greatest friends...

Make a Wish.... Ryan, with help from Nicholas,
blowing out the candles...

The cupcake cake, courtesy of Andrea. I was hoping
they would let me have the part that said "Beat the Tigers".

Glad to have The Dees, friends of Brad, especially since they
had on the right colors! War Eagle!

When we started planning this trip, we had no idea that
Brent and Ryan's parents, Ansel and Julie Lovell, were coming
to the game with friends of theirs. However, it was such a highlight
of the weekend to get to meet the "rents", as the boys call them.
It was also great for the four of them to get to spend a little more
time together since it was such a quick trip home from NYC for Brent.
On the balcony at Barton & Andrea's,
Brad, Paige & Jason...

So after we left the condo, we walked down and met up with
Brent & Ryan's parents, their friends, and a few of their
cousins for a while before the game. When it was time to head towards
the stadium, as we were crossing Broad St., standing right in the
middle of the street, was Octavious Balkcom, who is from Early Co.,
played for the Bobcats, then went on to play for Auburn. It
was SO great to see him and stop for a quick picture!
Two flags that certainly helped the looks of the place...

This picture was merely to prove a point to Brent, taken with my
phone and texted back to him, that there ARE tons of people
in the concession line, all the time, YES, even at the end of the
first quarter..... His response..."Jules, I mean, that's like 2 people"..
Right. Never cuts me a break.... :-)
Brent, Me, Ryan & Barton...Missing Andrea, but
she was in the lengthy bathroom line, taking her picture
with Rennie Curran's mom, so she was all smiles upon her return!
Just pure fun! SO happy to have them with me!
And poor Ryan, such a trooper, feeling horrible and
coming down with the flu, not to mention just having
his wisdom teeth out.
Barton & Andrea with us... thanks for the tickets!
We had an AMAZING weekend!

Me and Brent, after the game, back at the Rice Paddy...
Still speaking, even though he pulled for Georgia :-)

And this was Ryan on Sunday morning, hiding from the fact
that it was about time to get up and all head in different directions :-(
(Truthfully, it was more like, he felt horrible....I just thought he
was kinda cute all wadded up under the covers)
It's NEVER easy to leave and all be hundreds and hundreds
of miles apart, but WHAT FUN we always have when
we're together!! Loved every minute of it...Miss it and miss
y'all!! Let's do it again soon! Love you guys!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over in Thankfulness...

Happy Thanksgiving! As I was sitting on the couch Thanksgiving Day

trying to organize a few pictures, I came across quite a few that put a

SMILE on my face! These are mainly of trips and events with some of

my favorite people in the world. There are many more awesome people

in my life.... but these pics tell a story of many fun times over the last

year and a half or so. If you were with me, hope remembering these

times puts a SMILE on your face too! (I cannot lie, this blog has

just about gotten the best of me, so forgive all the odd spacing)

Dinner with the Fam... Bo, Me, & Justin the night before
Justin's wedding...
A CHILLY carriage ride
in Central Park..
Brad, Ross, Kellen & Me @ Ga vs. South Carolina

My fav pic of me and Will!

Ryan, Me & Brent
at Ga/Auburn

Once again....
Barton embarrasses Brad!

Cait-Land, BigDog, Juja, Mickey & KatDawg

Me, Gary & Brent......A Late NYC
night at Cassidy's!

Barton's 40th Celebration

Dismal -Wilmington Premiere

Jules & BLovely at the FunHouse
One of the last nights of filming..
The first hug pic :-)

The 2nd Block Party
Heather & Ash finally found
the NYC Cheesecake

Ga/Auburn 2009

After the Ga/Auburn Game

Grandmama's 94th Birthday

A Night in New York....

The Sweetest - Gary King
Jonathan & Paige's
Engagement Party

Jersey Boys

Auburn Family Tailgates

Paige's Wedding...NYC Reunion

Me & Sulli at Easter

We miss you pic to Will...
Being crazy on the way to Paige's wedding

Me & Will in Baltimore & Blakely

Could be my favorite pic yet...

The Hall Sisters...
Savannah & Sullivan

My new sign on the golf course...

The Parentals & The Halls

Me, Brad & Barton
Freezer Locker Films

Uncle Ewell & Aunt Joyce & us...All Peanut Proud

Love 'Em

Gary's Fundraiser in NYC
Sulli striking a pose...


The Allred Boys
(One just like Heather &
one just like Sloppy)

Eric Jones, Me & Bo Buckley at
Justin's wedding in Wilmington...

Me & Paige on her 21st!

Brad, "mama Sue", Brent, "mama
Ann", Me & Will in New York

Me & Sullivan at Coheelee Creek

Juja & BLovely @ Bro. Jimmy's --

Jarrod's Wedding

Sulli hunting eggs...

Me and The Lovells

Me with Ryan at
Brent's Birthday
Party in NYC

Happy Birthday to You!

Me & Brad in Baltimore

Back at Horrorfind-Baltimore
Miss Delma's 90th Birthday

Me, Will & Brad after a day of filming...
Me, Taryn & Bo...out for Sushi
My first and last!!

A long day...and time to move campers, AGAIN!

ARMANDO!! The bright spot on set....
Every Day!

A few spikes
can't stop a hug!!

Again, Barton says something crazy...
Brad gets Diet Coke thru the nose....

the Producer crew
Carriage Ride-Me Heather & Ash

Cousins at the Braves Game

Collier & Amanda -
The day he popped
the question..

Me, Will & Bec - lunch in NYC
before his mama surprised him!

A surprise left on my phone from
Brent & Em....after it's retrieval in NYC.

Me & Justin after his wedding..

A Welcome Back to NYC from BLovely
Me, Heather & Ash- The best trip ever!

Looking forward to many more fun times and memories.
My cup runneth over in thankfulness AND blessings!
"Everyone needs something to do, something to hope for,
something to believe in and someone to love.
Everyone needs a dream!" -Lou Holtz
"I thank my God at every remembrance of you" Phil 1:4

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