Friday, April 9, 2010

FUNNY GIRLS are Peanut Proud in all FOUR SEASONS!

FUNNY GIRLS are Peanut Proud
Tammy and Alicia getting the backdrop done..
When I have a project, and I need some "riggin" done,
these two are who I call!
The Mayor and the Sheriff getting in on some of the fun...
The only requirement from the Funny Girl half was CHICKEN WIRE.
It's not a good float if you haven't stuffed chicken wire!

Will and Kathryn stuffing chicken wire... You may be here to
visit, but you've gotta work too...
All 25 Hot pink paper flowers courtesy of mama...

Didn't know until now that Dixie Shooters made banners...
Great Job! Give them a call if you need banners...

A HUGE thank you to my aunt, Tina Owen, for
painting "me and Heather" as NUTS... how fitting!

Slap it together in three days, takes 30 minutes to tear it
apart. Thanks to Sloppy and to the two daddies who get "roped"
into everything as well. We're all looking forward to
next year....AREN'T WE? :-)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Celebratin' Peanut Proud - Daddy's Ag Producer of the Year

What a wonderful weekend for Blakely. A day to celebrate
and a day to spend together as a community.
To begin the day the Extension office sponsored a breakfast for
Ag Producers and their families. Daddy was named
"Ag Producer of the Year".

....which required him to lead the parade.
It is possible that mama enjoyed this a little :-)

FUNNY GIRLS are Peanut Proud in all FOUR SEASONS!
My dear friend Heather, who owns Funny Girl, was suffering
with a "midlife, I want to do a High School Homecoming Float again"
disease, and volunteered us to do a float for the parade.
But, I must admit, we had a little fun making it. Right Sloppy?
The Four Seasons/Funny Girl float...
To make the weekend EVEN BETTER, I had some of my very
best friends here with me from New York, Myrtle Beach & Charlotte.
Doing a little video work on the side...
A HUGE thank you to all the Birdsong Gang who give hours
and hours of their time.
Early County High School's Band of Blue
What's a Peanut Celebration without
Buddy McNutty?
Quite a display of Antique Tractors for the parade...
Two of my favorite boys hanging out at the parade....
Nicholas Rice (L) and Ryan Lovell (R)

This guy has been around and been at all the Farm/Peanut
events since I was little....Somewhat of a Peanut Icon.
Not only do we help feed Georgia...
Peanut Butter for Haiti...started in Early County. One of
many reasons we're Peanut Proud.
Thanks to Peanut Proud, Inc, Early County 2055 and many other
local businesses and individuals for a terrific day!
The program...
Barton Rice accepting a resolution for Birdsong Peanuts and
Early County 2055 for their work in "Peanut Butter for Haiti"
presented by State Representative Gerald Greene.
Waiting for the program to begin, Mama, State Rep Gerald Greene,
Mayor Ric Hall, Daddy and Johnny Dixon.

Peanut Proud Brothers - Daddy & Uncle Ewell

Big Will and Little Will -- One of my best friends, Will Triplett, making
his way to Peanut Proud all the way from New York, NY and stopping
by Chattanooga to make a movie on the way, pictured here with
Will Neeley, Brad's nephew.....

Waiting for Joanna's concert to begin...
2 More of the Greatest Friends I could ask from
Myrtle Beach and New York...the Lovell Brothers, Ryan & Brent.

One of Blakely's own, Joanna Smith, now living in Nashville, TN,
was back in town for a concert on the Square. Such a special
part of the day! Great job Jo! We're also "Joanna" Proud!

Kyle Everson, also one of Blakely's own.

Two sweet boys...
After the concert, Brent giving Will a few lessons...

I think Big Will may be trying to get his hat back :-)
Lots of fun all day long!
The boy may live in New York, but he's from the South!
When you see somebody that needs help, true Southerners
jump in there and get it done!
Brent and Ryan loading a semi load of hay...
The Street Dance - A Great Band, A Great Night!!
Mama and Brent dancing a step or two...
Brent, Me, Ryan and Brad... such a fun weekend!
SOOOO thankful for these two!
We're all already looking forward to next year! It is truly a blessing
to live in a place that I love and have friends to make memories
with who love this town as much as I do!

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