Monday, August 10, 2009

Coleman Reunion

The Coleman Reunion.... Every year our Coleman side of the family get together at a cousin's lake house on Lake Martin, you know, in close proximity to God's Country....Auburn. The reunion this year was our first chance to get to meet and hang out with Cade, our newest cousin at the reunion. Cade belongs to my cousin Wesley and his wife, Danielle. It appears that it was more of a "Cade" reunion, because when I got home, I realized, he's all I took pictures of . Knowing how I take tons of pictures, you know that is really odd. We ALWAYS take the "me, Wesley, Danielle, Ryan, Jess & Tim picture" and we didn't even do that....oh well, there's always time for that at the Auburn games. The BEST part of this post is the video at the bottom. This video is PROOF that new grandchildren can make grandparents do ANYTHING! Although I obviously didn't have presence of mind to take pictures, it did occur to me to use my cell phone to record this hysterical moment between Cade and his "BC" or "Billy Coleman" or whatever he may decide he's gonna be called..... for those of you who know Billy....get a load of this!

Cade and his daddy, Wesley
He looks just a little bit like Wesley....ya think?
You talking to me Gigi?
A little bit messy....
A LOT messy....but precious!


The Coleman's said...

I love that you put that video up! hahaha!

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