Saturday, October 10, 2009

You REALLY Love the Bobcats To Show Up for This!!

Bobcat Work Day...... Well it's been so long since I posted, I can't even remember what day this was, but I do at least remember that it was a week or two before our football season began. As the title of this blog states, "You Really LOVE the Bobcats to show up for this"! There were too many to list individually, but we had 28 volunteers/players show up on a Friday afternoon and Saturday to spruce up Standifer Field. We mowed, weed-eated, painted goal posts, sprayed a truck load of Round up, and most importantly..... edged and put out new pinestraw ;-)
Thanks Mr. Billy Ray, for your help, the use of your bucket truck, and for being a big fan!! Joe Cason, with the push mower.
Sloppy on our new reel mower. It's made an amazing difference. The field looks awesome!
Jimmy Heath, pressure washing the field house! Thanks Jimmy for all you do for me, the team
and the coaches, besides pressure washing!
A daddy after my own heart.... EDGING!!
Nothing I LOVE MORE than fresh straw. As long as there is straw, we can play ball!
The duties of a coaches wife :-)
The "mamas" took over the sanitizing of the field house. A MAJOR undertaking!

Coach Hall on the mower, ALL DAY, Saturday!
The two best colors ever, Blue & Gold. Fresh paint makes everything look better!
It gets longer and longer around that track when they keep blowing grass back on it!
Bagging all this grass took forever, but you can't mix bad grass with good grass, ha.
You wanna talk about "takes forever".... but looks so much off a fence!
#66, Jordan Heath... the players didn't escape the work either...
Jordan & Kaylon Harrell, #74

Dan Ingram, pressure washing....EVERYTHING!
THIS makes me happy! Fresh straw! Oh, how nice it looks!
To all of you who came to work, thank you thank you thank you!
It makes us all so proud for the "Home of the Bobcats" to look so clean and nice!
Can't hide that Bobcat Pride!


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